Monday, January 24, 2005

Nerd vs Geek

I was a bit disappointed by the throwing in of Geek, Nerd and Dork into the survey. IMO these are quite different things.

I see Geek as a sort of expertise in a technical area, verging on the obsessive, but without implications for social skills, dress sense and other hobbies. Many of my friends are Geeks: Phyics Geeks, Maths Geeks, Computer Geeks of all favours. Geeks tend to simply be completists who want to know all about their areas of interest, but have many and diverse other charachter traits.

Nerd on the other hand is more of a personality complex or "type". It tends to manifest as lack of regard for social norms, as well as obsession with things that are technological or scientific. Nerds tend to wear plain and utilitarian clothes, they spend little effort on grooming, and find social interaction outside their small circle difficult.

Dork is just an epithet thrown at those who are untrendy.

A sexuality anology: geek is a prurient/intellectual interest in sexual practices, nerd is being gay.


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