Saturday, November 04, 2023

LangVar: I'm never going to call Twitter...... and then they do

One small tip my my favourite podcasters (you don't know who you are... except for a few who have gmail addresses, and invite opinions):

You CANNOT say "I'm never going to call Twitter by its new name y (for some value of y, which we all know), and then go on to actually say the new name for Twitter in the same fucking sentence. Just go for one or the other, Puhhleeeze. It's been months (a year    now?) since "the outrage". Pick a side, make a boycott, call it by its old name, or its new name. But don't say you're never going to say it, and then in the next breath, actually say it!

I have no vested interest - never was on that platform, and have quit all the others, except LinkedIn - in which I have a 20+ year investment in being able to find former colleagues and collaborators in their new jobs.... I hate that it has an opinion doom scroll now... but I can still find all my OMG & DSTC buddies.



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