Thursday, November 30, 2023

Dead at last - Kissinger made it to 100

Herny Kissinger, the 20th century's most infamous Dr Evil who was "on our side" is finally dead. Christopher Hitchens died quite a while ago, but his book "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" will no doubt get lots more royalties for his estate now. A YouTube documentary version of the book, co-written by Hitchens and Alex Gigney is available, which I have not watched, given that the book was comprehensive in its case for Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes against Kissinger. 

The known lowlights:

* subverting the peace negotiations between USA/allies and Viet Nam to facilitate the election of Nixon in 1968, resulting in the war continuing until 1975

* the covert and overt support of the Pinochet coup against the popularly elected Alende government in Chile in 1972

* the secret bombing of Cambodia and Loas in the early 1970s without congressional authorisation - resulting in explosions of cluster munitions which still maim and kill civilians to the current day

And yet credulous journalists and politicians still feted Kissinger (and Associates - his consulting company) as a Statesman and political philosopher right up until his death. Shame on you!


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