Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Late Night TV

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a sucker for late night TV. I like the shows that have a niche audience in the US or UK, which makes it a non-audience in Australia, and allows the commercial stations to discharge their "community obligations" without forgoing any revenue. Last year the pick was Arrested Development, the year before it was Nip/Tuck (which got moved to prime time later in the season), and before that Roswell.... you get the idea. My latest find is "Push, Nevada", which is a little X-files and a little bit Miller's Crossing with some Dukes of Hazard thrown in. It's nicely anachronistic, with charachters driving cars from the 60s, wearing clothes from the 70s and 80s, and using mobile phones. The lead characheter is from the IRS, and there are 3 MIBs (who actually wear blue suits) who have hundreds of other MIBs at their disposal, and carry ID for several state and federal cop outfits.


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